Audrey Edwards - President/Ribbons/Newsletter Editor |
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Phyllis Massa-Busch - Membership/Secretary |
I found out about the Chapter from Patti Rea at a fun match; I was showing in Pre-Novice then. I was attracted to the club because I could do things with Spurs and not have to have a purebred to compete. My first activities with the club were helping out at fun matches to earn money for the donation of a defibrillator to HSMO. I do not remember the exact year, but I think it was 1990 when I was voted in as Chapter President. As far as National President, that came about in 2001, as a fill-in. I know I was President, Secretary, Membership Chair, Judge’s Chair and Treasurer all at the same time between the two clubs. I remember Lisa Jo Helgesen was getting burned out and I offered to help and she sent me everything she had from all the offices and chairs. Eventually I was getting legs and titles info too. Gloria McCain in CA offered to help out, and between phone calls and letters, we worked out Rules and Regs. At the top of the list of favorite memories is that at one of our shows, Kay Smith and Audrey Edwards presented me with a special plaque from the members for all I had done for the club. Other fond memories: when St. L hosted the National Specialty, so we were able to meet other members who lived out of state; the camaraderie among national members who have the same interests as me; helping and supporting one another, regardless of whether their dogs were mixes or purebreds. We were all there for one another. Also all the fun we had doing our activities; the friendships and lifelong bonds; the chance to show in Conformation, and watching Spurs finally enjoy working - a major breakthrough!! And more! Assisting Nancy Kearney in teaching obedience and learning about different breeds and how they think; how to problem solve, figuring out what works for each dog; the beginning of puppy classes and what we would teach, and the doors that opened to us while training and showing. And when I got into purebreds,(Siberian Huskies) I didn’t feel like an outsider because of all my experiences in the St. L Chapter. So many memories!! Email: |
Sandy Weis - Treasurer |
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Elaine Kahn - IL Membership Liaison/Trial Committee/Therapy Visit Chairman/Trail Chairman |
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Fran Beezley - Award Committee/Master of Nation Titles |
I have been a member of the Club since around 1990. I heard about it through a trainer that I had in a class for my puppy BobDog. I was so thrilled to discover a place where I could get titles on a mixed breed dog. For a short time, I was the treasurer for the St. Louis Chapter. Since 2009, I have been in charge of certifying legs and titles in Obedience and Rally for the National Club. I am also a Mixed Breed Certified Judge for all Rally and for Novice Obedience. Both of my previous dogs, BobDog and AngelGirl, have earned titles through the MBDC. Email: |
Mary Ruder - Board Member |
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Barb Fry - Pres of Nation Board/Volunteer Co Coord. |
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Michael Campbell - Webmaster |
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